  • 期刊


The Status Study on End-User Computing of Taiwan Companies in the Internet Era


軍公教市場是一特殊的市場型態,除不以營利為目的、限制購買者的身份外,並挾其強勢的通路力量與廠商議價,使得廠商必須以低價才能進入市場,因而廠商面臨減少潛在消費群以及以低價銷售福利品的兩難之境,各國鮮見類似的通路機制。現有的論文都是實證研究,缺乏理論層次的探討。本文試圖引入雙重通路與差別定價的理論,建立本文的理論模型,嘗試從理論的推演中探討其經濟意義。研究的結果如下:1.廠商加入軍公教市場,可能提高一般市場的售價提高總利潤。2.廠商加入軍公教市場未必能擴大總銷售量。 3.軍公教市場的存在,並不一定構成廠商逐利之障礙,反而可能因區隔市場,使廠商的利潤提高。


Military,Government & Educational(MGE)market is a very special markettype.The objective of the MGE Welfare Center is not to maximize its own profitand the buyer's characteristic is limited.Having powerful channel system,MGEWelfare Center can sale products with lower price than general market bybargaining with firm.Hence,the firm face the dilemma as he will reduce potentialconsumers and sale products by lower price.There are no such case like MGEmarket channel mechanism in other countries.All of the current papers areempirical study.And there is no theoretical model until recently.The purpose ofthis paper is to build theoretical model from the perspective of dual channeltheory in marketing and price discrimination theory in economics.I wish toexplore the economic implications from the model.The conclusions are asfollowers:1.The firm will raise price in general market as it enters into the MGEmarket.2.The firm may not expand total sales as it enters into the MGE market.3.The existence of MGE market may not reduce the total profit of the firm.On thecontrarily,the MGE market may raise the total profit of the firm for separatingdomestic markets and facilitating price discrimination of the firm.


