  • 期刊


The Effect of Different Types of Channel Price Promotion on Manufacturer's and Retailer's Profit


價格促銷(Price Promotion)是指製造商或零售商透過低價促銷的方式刺激消費者的需求,基本上製造商可能採取的策略型態有二種,即推動型(Push)與拉力型(Pull)。由於這二種促銷型態的主要對象不同,前者直接降低批發價格,後者則是直接對消費者進行促銷,此二種型態的促銷方式對製造商與零售商會産生不同的效果,因此本研究主要探討此二種促銷型態對廠商利潤的涵義。研究結果發現:推動型促銷可以擴大總通路利潤,但是對製造商而言,總是不利,對零售商則總是可以提高製造商與零售商的利潤,當促銷價格過高時,則只有零售商受益。


There are two types of channel price promotion, push and pull, which manufacturers can use to promote its products. Basically, The purpose and object of these two type strategies are different. Push promotion is manufacturer reduces its wholesale price directly to retailer and pull promotion is providing rebates directly to consumer. These two type promotion strategies will impact both on manufacturer and retailer's profit. The purpose of this article is to explore the effect of these two type strategies to channel, manufacturer and retailer's profit. The results of this article are: To manufacturer, the push promotion will always reduce manufacturer's profit, and always increase retailer's profit in spite of while expanding total channel profit. However, the retailer will not reduce its retail price as large as wholesale price reduction. The effect of pull promotion depends on rebate price. As rebate price is low, both of manufacturer and retailer's profit will increase. While rebate price is high, only the profit of retailer will increase.


