  • 期刊

Prevalences of Sick Building Syndrome Symptoms in Respiratory Therapists and Hospital Office Workers in a Medical Center



過去許多研究探討辦公室員工抱怨病態大樓症候群(sick building syndrome, SBS)症狀的盛行率,而病態大樓症候群包括皮膚黏膜、呼吸系統及中樞神經系統的症狀。本研究旨在評估台灣北部某醫學中心的呼吸治療師及醫院行政人員發生病態大樓症候群的盛行率及其影響因子。本研究利用問卷收集個人及工作特性、環境品質認知,以及最近三個月內員工抱怨病態大樓症候群症狀的盛行率。結果發現,呼吸治療師與醫院行政人員抱怨病態大樓症候群症狀的盛行率分別為88.8%及66.7%,其中呼吸治療師最常見的症狀是中樞神經系統症狀,而醫院行政人員則是呼吸系統症狀。另外,研究也發現呼吸治療師的病態大樓症候群症狀盛行率與性別有明顯相關(勝算比=7.50, 95%信賴區間=1.93-29.15)。


Previous studies mainly evaluated of the prevalence of sick building syndrome (SBS) symptoms, including skin and mucosal symptoms, respiratory system symptoms, and central nervous system symptoms, in office workers. This study evaluates the prevalence and possible risk factors for SBS symptoms in respiratory therapists and hospital office workers at a medical center in northern Taiwan. Questionnaires were distributed to recruited participants to collect such data as personal and work characteristics, perception of environmental quality, and prevalence of SBS symptoms during the last three months. The prevalences of SBS symptoms for respiratory therapists and hospital office workers were 88.8% and 66.7%, respectively. The most common SBS symptoms were central nervous system symptoms in the respiratory therapists and respiratory system symptoms in hospital office workers, respectively. The prevalence of SBS symptoms was strongly associated with gender in the respiratory therapists [odds ratio (OR)=7.50, 95% confidence interval (CI) of OR=1.93-29.15].