  • 期刊


The Study of the Factors Affecting the Willingness of Gladioius Farmers to the Establishment of the Place of Production Extension Main Body



本研究以唐菖蒲花卉經營農民為調查訪問對象,而研究之主要目的在瞭解台灣地區唐菖蒲花卉主要生產地之產業發展概況,以及唐菖蒲花卉農民對成立產地推展主體的需要及意願程度,並分析花卉農民對成立產地推展主體之意願的因素。本研究之有效問券數為157份 本研究之主要發現如下: 1.台灣地區唐菖蒲花卉主要生產地區之農家每戶年種植平均面積為2.5公傾,每戶投資在農場設備費用為124萬元,專業之花卉農家比例達73.9%,而大部份之花卉農民(72%)認為后里地區擁有較佳之唐菖蒲花卉生產的自然環境。 2.整體而言,唐菖蒲花花卉經營農民對成立產地推展主體具有很高之需求程度,而影響需求之主要因素為「務農年數」及「地區之自然環境」等二個變項,皆為正向之影響關系。 3.整體而言,唐菖蒲花卉經營農民對成立產地推展主體也具有很高之意願程度,而影響農民對成立產地推展主體之意願的主要因素,有「成就動機」、「務農年數」、「地區別」、「促進主體」及「農民對成立產地推展主體之需求」等變項,其中以「對成立產地推展主體需求」影響為最大。 4.另從路徑分析中發現,「務農年數」在11-20年者及「地區之自然環境」,會透過農民對成立產地推展主體之需求,而影響農民對成立產地推展主體之意願。


產地 產地形成 推展主體 意願


This study found that the majority of industries on the place of production are generally too small and are scattered apart. Therefore, the floral industry should plan out the important production areas and extend the scale of industry management in order to respond to the principle of “adequate use for adequate land”after Taiwan’s joining of the World Trade Organization(WTO). Therefore, the promotion of the floral “place of production ofrmation” the organization of farmer related groups with the place of production and the establishment of extension main body have become important lessons form industry development. This study used farmers managing Gladiolus flowers as the investigative interviewing subjects. The main purposes of this study are to understand the industry development status of the main Gladiolus flowers in the main Taiwanese place of production and the wills and needs of the Gladiolus farmers to the establishment of extension main body, and at the same time, to analyze the elements affecting the wills of the Gladiolus farmers to the establishment of place of production extension main body. This study has collected 157 effective questionnaires. The main discoveries of the study are as follows: 1. The average Gladiolus planting area of each farm family in the Taiwanese main production region is 2.5 acres, the facility cost each farm family invested in the farm is one million and twenty four NT.,the rate of professional flower growers is as high as 73.9%, and most of the flower growers(72%) thought the HOULI region possesses a better natural environment for Gladiolus production. 2. As a whole, the Gladiolus flower growers have a relatively great need for an establishment of place of production extension main body, the two main elements affecting the needs are farming experience and natural environment: the elements are positively correlated. 3. Overall, Gladiolus growers have a high will of establishing place of production extension. And the main elements affection the growers are the desire for accomplishment, farming experience, regions, promotion main body, and the need of the establishment for place of production extension main body, among the elements, the effect of the need for the establishment of place of production extensions main body is the greatest. 4. From the path analysis, the study also found that farming experience between 11-20 years and the natural environment of the area will affect the farmers’ wills of establishing place of production extension main body through the farmers’ needs for the establishment of extension main body.


張彝倫(2007)。旅遊系統透過在地行銷銷售 農特產品意願之研究〔碩士論文,亞洲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0118-0807200916280963
