  • 期刊


Facing "Lifelong Learning" a Research on Student's Effect in Affiliated College of Continuing Education in Vocational Institutes



二十世紀末葉,人類社會、環境的變遷、科技的進步是呈現著大幅度的跳躍。緊接著二十一世紀的到來,這種高速的演變只會加速推展。因科技的不斷創新,全球工商業界的工作性質也正隨之改變,於是職場上有許多現職人員跟不上潮流,無法配合生產設備而失業。現在他們的作業將使用電力和電子設備,配合複雜的電腦程式來處理。新機械設備的精密度愈來愈高,運轉加快,效率大幅提升,因此對職場工作人員之知識技能與態度有更新更高的要求。使得在職人士不得不再繼續高一層的教育,接受現代的理論、思維及操作方式。這是教育部開放國內技專校院成立附設專科進修學校的主因,同時也為推動終身學習(lifelong learning)奠定穩固的基石。國內專科進修學校源起於民國66年,當時只有國立台北工專及國立高雄工專二所辦理專科進修補習學校。一直到民國85年才逐漸開放私立專科學校附設辦理,到目前則有41所公私立技職校院辦理,約有八萬學生。本研究以探討專科進修學校學生入學之動機、背景、學習成效,遭遇困難,以問卷調查,實際訪談及採用t考驗、單因子變異數分析及費雪事後比較等方式來瞭解學生在學業、技能、家庭、社會、個人昇遷方面的結果以分析在專科進修學校各層面學習的成效,並期望由問卷解析中歸納出提升回流教育績效的教學改進策略,供學校及實際任教老師參考。也希望藉此瞭解社會的需求,以提供各專科進修學校正確的教學目標與方向。


At the end of 20th century, the human society, environment, and progression of technology were widely transformed, which are rapidly changing in the following 21st century. Meanwhile, continuous innovation in technology leads to the changes of working quality in the global industry and commerce. Therefore, many employees could neither follow the tendency of transformation nor accommodate themselves in using the new industry equipment that cause them lose their jobs. Because of these turnings, there are the newer and higher requests for employees that push them to pursue the higher education in having modem theory thinking and ways of operation. This is why the Ministry of Education opened the laws for vocational institutes to have the Affiliated College of Continuing Education, which also becomes a steady basement for pushing the lifelong learning idea.There were my two institute had the affitided college of continuing education before 1996. Until 1996, the Ministry of Education had released the restrictions for private institutes. Now' there are 41 national and private institutes have had the College of Continuing Education and almost 80 thousand students.This research will explore the motivation, background, learning effect and difficulty when students encounter in pursuing their knowledge in Affiliated College of Continuing Education. We will use paper investigation, actual visiting, t test, one-way Anova and posterior comparisons of Scheffe method to understand the results of student's learning, technique, family, society and personal elevation in order to analyze the learning effect from different levels in school. In addition, we expect to generalize the effect of continuing education in order to offer schools and teachers strategies as references. Moreover, we want to use it to know the need in society for providing every college of continuing education with a correct teaching target and direction.


