  • 期刊

The Implementation of PC-Based Real-Time Control Systems Using Quadratic Optimal Control




本文以VisSim為系統發展環境,以數學方塊圖模式設計開發現代控制演算法,以PC為主控制器配合資料擷取介面卡整合伺服控制系統,實現現代探制演算法於PC-Based 即時控制系統。首先以-簡單控制系統為例,推導二次式最佳控制理論並符合性能指標之最小化,求得最佳控制器理論值;另外以VisSim為系統發展環境,無需理論推導,即可得到二次式最佳控制器模擬值,並與理論值作比對,驗證其正確性。然後將此法應用於實際FB-33伺服控制系統,建立數學模式於VisSim,即可輕鬆得到二次式最佳控制器。最後,再配合商用資料擷取介面卡與動態連結函數庫整合FB-33控制系統,完成PC-Based 即時控制系統,實現二次式最佳控制演算法於伺服控制系統。


The goal of this paper is to implement the quadratic optimal control algorithm in PC-Based real time control system by using mathematic model blocks in VisSim Sostware package environment. We use PC as a controller to apply quadratic optimal control algorithm in PC-Based real time control systems using plug-in PCI data acquisition interface card. First, a design example based on the quadratic optimal control algorithm is given. The theoretical state feedback controller can be obtained. An alternative approach using VisSim’s OptimizePro to automatically calculate optimal state feedback controller has been verified to be a very powerful method to avoid tedious theoretical design. Second, the model of the real control system, FB-33 control system, can be set up in VisSim. The quadratic optimal controller can be easily obtained without the theoretical design. Finally, the PC controller uses the quadratic optimal controller and data acquisition system to control the FB-33 servo control system. The satisfied results are shown in this paper.
