  • 期刊


The Comparison of Antibiotics Prescription in Hospice Care Unit after Payment System Changes






It takes a great amount of medical causal reasoning for physicians to prescribe antibiotic for terminal cancer patients in a potential infectious circumstance. Because the payment system reimbursed by National Insurance Bureau tremendously affects the allocation of medical practice and health service resources, it is worthy of note that whether the changes of payment system will affect the ethics in decision-making of palliative care service as well. The research was conducted to explore how it impacts physicians on their prescription of antibiotics for the terminal cancer patients. We retrospectively studied the prescription patterns among 535 admissions of 481 patients in a hospice and palliative care unit in a medical center in Taiwan July 1, 999 to June 30, 2001. We also analyzed the impacts to physicians’ prescriptions of antibiotics when payment system was superseded by per diem basis started from July 1, 2000. There were 274 (51.2%) antibiotics prescriptions, including 108 new prescriptions hased on clinical diagnosis, 87 (31.8%) prescriptions repeating previous physician’s orders, and 79 (28.8%) prescriptions made for high fever. We compared the prescriptions made on-site based on clinical diagnosis with those prescriptions repeating previous physicians’ orders. No differences were identified between the two groups with regard to the changes of payment systems (p=0.660, p=0.431), even after factor adjustment to financial index (p=0.917, p=0.673). We concluded that the changes of payment system do not affect physicians to prescribe antibiotics in the hospice and palliative care unit, and the professional judgment remains the guidelines for decision-making.


antibiotics palliative care payment system
