  • 期刊


Prospectives and Approaches to Adolescent Health Care in Taiwan


伴隨經濟成長與社區變遷,台灣青少年享有更完善的營養狀況,防疫體系,和教育環境;但也隨之面臨新型健康問題的挑戰。就健康問題而言,以高傷害事故死亡率,增多的冒險行為盛行率,不安全性行為和非期望性懷孕,以及家庭體系逐漸解體和升學競爭壓力所導致之精神疾患和行為障礙,特別令人關注。 衛生署已自民國82年起補助國內各醫療或衛生單位開辦「青少年保健門診」,患者對青少年保健門診之各項服務滿意度均達九成五左右,顯示普受青少年之肯定與接納。青少年患者疾病診斷類別分佈以精神疾患最多,其次為呼吸系統疾患和一般補充性分類疾患,含預防保健服務和諮詢;而患者疾病個別診斷順位則為上呼吸道感染、預防注射及憂鬱症。 處理青少年健康問題,須兼顧身體、心理、社會各層面,須透過多專業人員之團隊合作和資源整合,以及經由教育、研究、和服務三管齊下,方能奏效。欣見台灣行政、立法、醫療、衛生、及民間體系已逐漸加強青少年醫療與保健的相關措施,若能善用國際合作,當更能較快較好地達成目標。




Indebted to the rapid economic growth and societal changes in recent years, the adolescents in Taiwan have enjoyed excellent nutritional intake, good education as well as thorough control of potential infectious diseases. Yet, the adolescents now confront with a series of challenging health issues which include high mortality of accidents and injuries, unsafe sexual practices and unwanted pregnancies, increased prevalence of risk-taking behavior, and psychiatric and conduct disorders. These challenges may be a result of broken families, dysfunctional home environments or excessive stress in schools. In order to better manage these health problems, a bio-psychosocial approach in education, research and health services, through multidisciplinary team work and the integration or resources may be the only solution. Taiwan government had initiated a project called “adolescent health clinic” since 1993 to deal with these adolescent health problems as a result of cooperation among local legislative body, healthcare professionals, and relevant communities. It has been found by a series of evaluation studies that most of adolescents who visited the clinics appreciated the services provided, and the leading three categories of diagnoses were mental disorders, respiratory system diseases, and general medical examinations and consultation. All adolescent health-related workers have called upon the establishment of a national society for adolescent medicine and health and international collaboration to achieve the goal of healthy adolescents in the nearest future.


adolescents medical care services


