  • 期刊


Audiologic Findings in the Cerebello-pontine Angle Tumors


背景:臨床症狀以自覺聽力損失、耳鳴或耳閉塞感和眩暈或不平衡感為主訴的病患,有可能患有小橋腦角腫瘤,探討此種病例的各種聽力檢查結果及特性是本研究的目的。 方法:研究對象是經手術和病理證實的小腦橋腦角腫瘤34例,其中聽神經瘤26例,腦膜瘤6例,迷走神經瘤2例。比較聽神經瘤和其他腫瘤的純音聽力圖、聽反射閾值檢查和腦幹聽性反應檢查結果,並分析討論。 結果:聽神經瘤病人平均年齡47.1歲,其他腫瘤病人平均年齡58.3歲。聽占88%。聽神經瘤組70%以上4k、8k Hz的兩耳閾值相差10 dB以上,而其他小腦橋腦角腫瘤組70%以上4k、8k Hz的兩耳閾值相差10 dB以上。聽神經瘤組和其他小腦橋腦角腫瘤組的腦幹聽性反應異常率都100%。聽反射異常率聽神經瘤組78%,其他腫瘤組100%。出現其他腦神經症狀者,聽神經瘤病人8例,其他腫瘤病人2例。 結論:小橋腦角腫瘤的腦幹聽性反應異常率、聽反射異常率和兩耳不對稱性純音聽力閾值出現率均非常高,但因聽神經瘤直接影響聽覺徑路,故臨床症較早出現,而能較早被診斷出來。


Background: Cerebellopontine angle tumors included acousticneuroma, meningioma and other rare tumors. The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristic audiological findings of these tumors. Mothod: a total of 34 cases of surgically and pathologically proved cerebellopontine angle tumors were included in this study. They were 26 cases of acoustic neuroma, 6 cases of lower cranial nerves. All cases received pure tone audigram, acoustic reflex and ABR testing. Result: Average age of diagnosed acoustic neuromas was 47.1 years and that of other tumors was 58.3 years. Fourteen cases of acoustic neuromas (42%) and seven cases of other tumors (88%) were large tumor (>2.5 cm). More than 70% of acoustic neuromas showed asymmetric hearing threshold of 1k, 2k, 4k and 8k Hz. More than 70% of other tumors showed asymmetric hearing threshold of 4k and 8k Hz. Abnormal rate of acoustic reflex test was 78% for acoustic neuromas and 100% for other tumors. Abnormal rate of ABR was 100% for both groups. Conclusion: Cerebellopontine angle tumors showed high rate of asymmetric high tone hearing loss, very high abonrmal rate of acoustic reflex and ABR testings. Acoustic neuroma was diagnosed earlier than other cerebellopontine angle tumors because of the earlier onset of clinical symptoms.
