



鼓膜 光椎 Shrapnell氏膜


The anatomy and the physiology of the middle ear are complex and the appearance of the eardrum in middle ear disease is variable. It is almost impossible for a junior resident to confidently and adequately examine an ear. A useful strategy for inspection involves comparison of the eardrum being examined with a mental image of a healthy eardum. During the examination, cleaning of the extemal ear canal is a necessary, first step. The handle of the malleus is the landmark of the eardrum. There are two types of variation in the appearance of the eardrum, normal and pathological. Pathological conditions are either stable or active. To check the eardrum thoroughly and quickly, the examination should assess the color, shape, translucency, light reflex, mobility, and integrity of the eardrum; the malleus; the shadow of the middle ear structure; blood vessels of the eardrum and ear canal; and any middle ear effusion and secretions in the external canal. We then compare our findings to a normal ear. Any abnormalities of the eardrum then become obvious and an accurate diagnosis can then be made.

