  • 期刊


Laryngeal Carcinoma with Laryngeal Tuberculosis - Case Report


喉結核是肺外結核的一種,其臨床表現可為潰瘍性或增生性病灶,不易與喉癌區分,常需借助病理來確定診斷。本科於1999年,診斷一例T2N0M0喉癌病患,接受垂直式部分喉切除手術(frontolateral vertical partial laryngectomy)。手術病理切片下同時發現鱗狀細胞癌及結核感染,術後2週頸部傷口出現化膿及肉芽增生,在接受清創換藥配合抗結核藥物後,傷口順利癒合,術後追蹤狀況良好。當喉癌術後傷口長期癒合不良或臨床上有所懷疑時,應考慮喉結核存在的可能性,並將其列入鑑別診斷。


Laryngeal tuberculosis is one of the manifestations of extra-pulmonary TB and presents clinically as either ulcerative or proliferative lesions. It is difficult to differentiate from laryngeal carcinoma and a definitive diagnosis relies on pathological confirmation. In August 1999, a case of T2 laryngeal carcinoma combined with laryngeal tuberculosis was diagnosed within our department. He underwent frontolateral vertical partial laryngectomy. Pathologically, squamous cell carcinoma was found to be coexistent with mycobacterium bacilli. The postoperative course was complicated by wound infection with granulation formation. The wound healed well after a debridement and anti-TB medication. When post-operative wound healing after a vertical partial laryngectomy is prolonged or complicated by unusual infection, concomitant tuberculous infection needs to be ruled out.
