  • 期刊


Reading of Feminine Text, Identity and Sexuality: A Feminism Approach of "Lianhuan Tao"


本文將借重女性主義理論的觀點,重讀張愛玲小說中遭受忽視與誤讀最為嚴重的〈連環套〉一文,以重新建構此篇小說所代表的意義。在〈連環套〉中,張愛玲借助一個普通女性的身分,重現了中國傳統社會中更為普遍的女性壓抑主題。女主角霓喜的「他者」屬性,使她一再重複地尋找男人、重複地面對匱乏的身世與命運。在她不斷被人遺棄的角色中,描述出傳統女性在經濟和人格上的從屬身分與內囿悲情。本文即將從女性內囿處境中揭示霓喜如何被敘述者寫成一個性別政治的抗議者,同時又是屈從父權文化的一個符號。 除了女性身體的重新銘寫外,這裡亦將探討霓喜如何在張愛玲的女性敘述中具有從屬與主體的雙重意義。在傳統宗法父權社會中受盡禮教壓抑的內囿女性,張愛玲的女性敘述中實乃具有深刻複雜的歷史、文化和性別政治意義。這都有待我們進一步做出更為系統性和整體性的探討。


This article attempts to review a much neglected and severly misinterpreted fiction of Eileen Chang titled ”Lianhuan Tao” (a series of tricks) based on a feminist literary theory, to re-structure its actual meaning. In this fiction, Eileen Chang resurfaces a theme of female suppression which has been quite common in a conventional Chinese soicty. The leading lady Nixi has a subject nature (an identity of ”the other”), which causes her to be seeking men repetitively, resulting in miserable experiences, it reveals the inner most feelings of an ordinary female, on how Nixi protests against sexual politics at a time when ladies are a symbol of subservience to patriarchy. Through descriptions on Nixi, the writer Eileen chang gives a new meaning which incorporates ugly, temible and ridiculous elements as constituents of the shredded, ugly grotesque body in her textual framework. Such descriptions deserve attention because they reveal the psychological reality of the women who have been long neglected, they are a metaphor in feminist literary criticisms with characteristics of ”taking an identify of the other people, making it lowly and ugly”. Apart from a review on female body descriptions, this article also attempts to study on how Nixi gives a double significance in Eileen Chang's fiction: it is a description of subservience with feminism in its content, from this it goes into the double meaning present in Nixi's voice. While the women have been facing dogmatic suppressions in a conventional patriarchy society, Eileen Chang's femining writing has a profound meaning be it in history, culture and sexual politics, all these need to be studied more thoroughly and systematically.
