

台北榮民總醫院自74年1月到76年3月間,計有142例經病理組織切片檢查證實為膀胱移形性上皮細胞癌的病人有接受尿液細胞學檢查。這些病人共做了 373次的尿液細胞學檢查,其中有56例病人將尿液細胞學檢查結果與膀胱癌的分化(grade)及分期(stage)做統計分析,發現膀胱癌分化等級較高者(high grade),其陽性率亦較高。但尿液細胞學檢查的陽性率與膀胱癌的分期等級較沒有統計學上的關係。由我們的研究結果顯示,尿液細胞學檢查是膀胱移形性上皮細胞癌的效效早期診斷方法之一。(J Urol R.O.C., 1: 122-127, 1990)


From January 1985 to March 1987, there were 142 cases of transitional cell carcinoma (T.C.C.) of urinary bladder (U-bladder) having urinary cytology study. Total number of cytology study was 373. Postitive of malignant cells in urinary cytology was found in 56 of 142 patients. Positive rate was 39.4%. Radical cystetomy was performed in 50 of 142 patients. Comparison of urinary cytology and grade, stage of T.C.C. of U-bladder, but no statistically siginificant relation between positive rate of urinary cytology and stage of T.C.C. of U-bladder. Our result revealed that urinary cytology was one of effective method to detect early T.C.C. of U-bladder.
