  • 期刊

Subsequent Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Urinary Bladder in Patients with Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Upper Urinary Tract: The Results from Conservative Surgery



七十六位患者同為上泌尿道移形上皮細胞癌,接受腎輸尿管切除術合併膀胱袖口切除,其中二十六位患者罹患繼發性膀胱移形上皮細胞癌(佔百分之二十六點三)而其中十七位接受了經尿道膀胱癌切除術及後繼之膀胱內化學藥物灌注,繼發之平均時間約十三點二個月(從五至六十五個月),上泌尿道之腫瘤以下段較易產生膀胱腫瘤之繼發,而多發性之上泌尿道腫瘤也較易產生膀胱腫瘤之繼發。而原來腫瘤之分化和分期似乎和膀胱繼發腫瘤沒有關連。在平均四十八點七個月的追蹤中,經由上述方法治療之患者,沒有一個有膀胱腫瘤之復發現象。 因此,我們建議以經尿道膀胱腫瘤切除合併化學藥物灌注之方法治療這類繼起性之膀胱腫瘤。




Seventy-six patients with transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the upper urinary tract were treated with nephroureterectomy and removal of the bladder cuff. Twenty of these pafients had subsequent occurrence of TCC of the urinary bladder (26.3%); 17 (85%) were treated with transurethral resection of the bladder tumor (TURBT), followed by prophylactic intravesical chemotherapy. The occurrence after nephroureterectomy ranged from 5 to 65 months (average: 13.2). A higher occurrence was associated with original cancers in the lower part of the ureter (middle and lower third) and with multiple lesions in the upper tract than those of the upper part (renal pelvis and upper third ureter) and those with a single lesion. The grading and staging of the original tumor did not correlate well with subsequent occurrence of bladder TCC. During an average follow-up of 48.7 months, no bladder tumor recurrence was noted following TURBT and intravesical chemotherapy.
