

成人頸部胸囊腫是罕見的病例,由於胸腺發育在2歲時比例最大,且在青春期發育終止,一般多在孩童時期出現,男性約為女性的兩倍。而頸部胸腺囊腫的成因,目前尚無定論,較被接受的理論是:胚胎時期,胸腺自第三腮囊起源,而後下伱至前縱隔腔內,在下降的過程中,某些胸腺組織殘留下來的併有囊性變化。多數頸部腺囊腫的臨床表現只是無痛性、逐漸增大的頸部腫塊,以手術切除後,主靠病理切片才能確實診斷,一般癒後良好,不易復發。 台北馬偕紀念醫院耳鼻喉科,經歷一46歲女性病例,特提出報告,並就胚胎、組織病理及臨床表現予以討論。


Cervical thymic cyst is very rare. It is found mainly among boys below the age of 10 years. Less than 60 cases have been reported in the English literature. Most cervical thymic cysts appear suddenly with very few symptoms. We encountered a case of a 46-year-old female patient who presented with a cystic mass in her left neck which was excised and proved to be thymic cyst pathologically. The embryology, histopathology, and clinical presentation were discussed. The purpose of this papr is to serve as a reminder that thymic cyst should be included in the differential diagnosis of cystic neck masses even in middle aged women.
