  • 期刊


Retrolabyrinthine Vestibular Neurectomy for Meniere's disease After Failure of Sac Operation - Case Report


奇美醫院耳鼻喉科針對以藥物治療無效之梅尼爾氏病人施以內淋巴囊手術。共有33例病人術後追蹤達二年以上,依據1972年AAOO標準,達Class A 有12人,Class B有13人,Class C 有2人,Class D 有6人,Class A及B共有28人,佔75.9%。不成功的病人則施行迷路後前庭神經切斷術。本文介紹梅尼爾氏症病人接受內淋巴囊減壓手術失敗後,再施行迷路後前庭神經切斷術之成效,追蹤二年後病人無暈眩發作,聽力未改變。因此迷路後前庭神經切斷術應可作為內淋巴囊手術之後援手術。


We performed sac decompression in patients with Meniere’s disease whose symptoms did not improve after medication. There were 33 patients being followed longer than 2 years; and the results accord-ing to the 1972 AAOO criteria were: class D: 6 patient. The better results including class A and B were approximately 75.9%. For others who got no substantial improve-ment, we suggested retrolabyinthine neurectomy as a rescue procedure. This article presents a patient who was diag-nosed as having Meniere’s diaease and received sac operation first but in vain, and then underwent a retrolabyrinthine vestibular neurectomy. After 2 years of follow-up, symptom of vertigo improved, and the hearing did not deteriorate. So retrolabyrinthine vestibular neurectomy may be considered a rescue procedure for failed sac decompression operation. The related literature is also reviewed.
