

對於手術無法改善之聽力障礙,傳統助聽器仍有不盡理想之處。近年因SmCo5於動物實驗及臨床使用的良好成就,植入式助聽器已有很大進展。對於遺傳性聽力障礙而內耳功能尚佳者,顳骨刺激器(temporal bone stimulator)可有不錯的成績;而感覺神經性聽力障礙且仍保有部份內耳功能者,可考慮中耳植入式助聽器(middle ear implantable hearing device)。若能縮小體積及減低能量耗損,發展出完全植入式助聽器的理想,應是指日可待。


For those patients with hearing impairment poorly benefited from surgery or conventional hearing aids, implantable hearing devices (IHD) can be beneficial to them. The use of a rare earth magnet-samarium cobalt 5(SmCo5) as the material for IHD has made a great progress in this field. Temporal bone stimulator (TBS) is designed for the patients with conductive hearing loss. For the patients with moderate to severe sensorineural hearing loss, middle ear implantable hearing devices (MEIHD) may be advised. The goal is to miniaturize the compact unit, by which to provide effective energy, and finally to develop a totally implantable hearing device.
