  • 期刊


Otitis Media with Effusion in Children - Analysis of 146 Cases


收集兩年內因積液性中耳炎至門診就醫的兒童,經藥物治療且規則追蹤至少三個月以上者,計146名進入本研究,其中男性79名,女性67名,平均4.8歲。若經三個月之藥物治療失敗,且聽力喪失20 dB以上者,建議裝置中耳通氣管,計64人接受手術治療。比較藥物治療組與需手術組的病人,及術後併發症及復發情形等因子,發現年齡較小就發病者,復發的機會較高;此外,男性、有合併慢性鼻炎、鼻竇炎、或腺樣體肥大者,雖統計學上無顯著差異,但臨床趨勢顯示較容易復發。總計術後31%有耳漏的情形,平均10.7個月後通氣管會自動落。


We collected children with otitis media with effusion visiting our OPD during the past 2 years. There were 146 cases who had been followed up and treated for at least 3 months, including 79 boys and 67 girls with mean age of 4.8 years. Ventilation tube insertion were done in 64 cases who were failed the medical therapy after 3 months with bilateral hearing deficits of 20 dB or worse. Comparing the medical group and the surgical group, and observing the postoperative courses, we found that younger age was the meaningful risk factor of recurrent otitis media. Although no significant differences, male and association with other diseases such as chronic rhinitis, paranasal sinusitis, or adenoid hypertrophy were the possible risk factors. The postoperative otorrhea occurred in 31% patients. The ventilation tubes were extruded after mean period of 10.7 months.
