  • 期刊


Salvage Vertical Partial Laryngectomy for Radiation Failure in Early Glottic Cancer




Both surgery and radiotherapy are treatment options for early glottic cancers. The decision making depends on individual-ized applicability of partial laryngectomy and the patient’s demand for voice quality. Usually, total laryngectomy is the treat-ment of choice for radiation failure of early glottic cancer because it is relatively difficult to detect the local recurrence and the exact tumor extent. Ten patients with radiation failure of early glottic cancer undergoing salvage vertical partial laryngectomy were evalu-ated retrospectively. Excellent salvage results including low complication rate and high local control rate rate as well as voice preservability were achieved. Meticulous selection of the patients and adequate reconstruction of the defect were the keys to a successful rescue surgery. In view of the laryngoplasty after tumor ablation of a radiation failure case, we recommended an epiglottic flap for enhancing the wound healing and a better airway support. Close follow-up is mandatory to an early glottic cancer patient who has received irradiation initially. Early diagno-sis of the local recurrence is important to this conservation salvage surgery.
