

自1991年1月至1996年6月間,在門診就醫的病人中,經病史、局部所見及鼻竇電腦斷層查,計有8例診斷為上頜竇後鼻孔息肉而住院接受手術治療,其中男性3名,女性5名,年齡介於8歲至36歲間。手術方式,我們採取經鼻內視鏡手術,摘除鼻腔側及上頜竇兩部份的息肉。術後追蹤13個月至47個月,8例皆無再發,我們認為經鼻內視鏡術式是上頜竇後鼻孔肉理想的治療方法。(中耳醫誌 1997;32:395-398)


Eight patients with unilateral antrochoanal polyps underwent transnasal endoscopic surgery in recent 5 years. Their age ranged from 8 to 36 years. Three patients, were male and the others 5 were female. Both nasal and antral portion of antrochoanal polyps were removed through middle meatus under sinoscope. The antral mucosa surrounding the stalk of choanal polyps was removed with polyps as well. The post-operative follow-up period ranged from 13 to 47 mlonths. There was no recurrence of polyps in these 8 patients and all were symptom-free. We recommend transnasal endoscopic surgery is appropriate for management of antrochoanal polyps.
