

背景:小兒的突發性耳聾臨床上罕見。由資會影響到日後的學習,故鑑別診斷及治療的模式便極為重要。 方法自1991年1月至1996年12月,小於15歲的病童因急性聽力喪失而前來求診者共21名,均接受一系列的聽力平衡檢查。 結果:10名病童屬突發性耳聾,約佔同時期186名突發性耳聾病人的5%。其聽力預後:2名痊癒,2名輕微恢復,其餘6名則無變化。至於非屬突發性耳聾的11名病童,其最終診斷則為:內淋巴水腫5名、外淋巴瘻2名、腮腺炎耳聾2名、及積液性中耳炎2名。 結論:小兒的突發性耳聾其預後較成為差。本症須與內淋巴水腫、外淋巴瘻、腮腺炎耳聾、及積液性中耳炎等病症作鑑別診斷。


Background: Hearing impairment in children can hamper learning process in them. Therefore, differential diagnosis of sudden deafness in children become very much important. Material and Methods: Twenty-one children with acute hearing loss were encountered from January 1991 to December 1996. Among them, 10 patients had sudden deafness, and the rest included endolymphatic hydrops in 5; perilymph fistula in 2; mumps deafness in 2 and otitis media with effusion in 2. Results: Among 10 patients (11 ears) with sudden deafness, 2 were cured; 2 were slight recovery; and the rest were unchanged in their hearing. Conclusions: Sudden deafness is rare in children, and its prognosis is poor. It should be differentiated among endolymphatic hydrops, perilymph fistula, mumps deafness, and otitis media with effusion. Especially in hearing-handicapped children, endolymphatic hydrops plays a major causative role in acute hearing loss.

