

背景:慢性鼻竇炎是一極為常見之疾病,以鼻竇內視鏡治療慢性鼻竇炎之成效雖已廣受肯定,但當額竇受到侵犯且有手術適應症時,內視鏡手術之難度和危險性卻依然存在。 方法:本文仍評估長庚醫院自1992年1月至1996年4月之64例(共102側)額竇疾病患者,在接受「內視鏡額竇手術」後之結果。 結果:89.2%(91側)的病人症狀完全消失或緩解;9.8%(10側)的病人術後症狀持續或惡化,經修正手術後症狀亦獲緩解或消失,僅有1例(0.98%)單側額竇囊腫因無法以內視鏡完成操作而改為Lynch手術法。所有病人均未發生重大併發症,亦無任何後遺症。


Background: The anatomy around the frontal sinus ostium exhibits a high degree of morphological variation. Nasal endoscopy and improved imaging techniques afford a more accurate assessment of frontal sinus disease. Methods: In the treatment of 102 nasal sides of 64 cases, we endonasally opened the ostium of frontal sinus in 101 nasal sides, by resection of anterior wall of agger nasi and anterior insertion of the middle turbinate at the agger nasi, without injury to normal mucosa of the frontal ostium area. Results: Postoperative follow-up results showed both freedom from or improvement of symptoms without necessity of revision surgery in about 89.2% of the cases. Conclusions: Endoscopic frontal sinus surgery appears to be a viable alternative for the treatment of frontal sinus disease. However, more cases and longer follow-up may be required before a definite conclusion can be reached.

