  • 期刊


Tuberculous Otitis Media Complicated with Bezold's Abscess – Case Report




Tuberculous Otitis Media is a treatable disease of low incidence. However, early detection is difficult because the symptoms and signs are usually nonspecific. The diagnosis thus depends on a high index of suspicion of this disease, and histological examination of the pathological tissue is necessary in making it correct. Chemotherapy is enough but surgery should be added if complicated with acute mastoiditis, suspected cholesteatoma, facial play, labyrinthitis, fistula formation, or extension of the infection into the central nervous system. In this paper we reported a 45-year-old male, who had tuberculous otitis media complicated with Bezold’s abscess. Initially modified radical mastoidectomy and drainage of the neck abscess were performed. Postoperatively anti-tuberculous chemotherapy was givern for six months. The ear and the neck lesion healed without further complication.
