  • 期刊


Large Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Soft Palate - Case Report


口腔內小唾液腺腫瘤以混合瘤 (或稱多形性腺瘤) 最為常見,其臨床症狀有對牙齒的刺激、構音障礙、吞嚥不順及容易打鼾等,其中又以對牙齒的刺激最為常見。,故臨床病灶多為1-2cm,3cm以上已屬少見。診斷除了靠病史和理學檢查外,電腦斷層掃描、磁振造影、細針穿刺細胞抹片或切片檢查,皆俱診斷價值。因其有惡性化可能,故治療以手術切除為主,具有術後容易復發傾向,須門診長期追蹤。本院於民國85年7月經歷一66歲男性患者,因構音障礙、吞嚥不順、口腔異物感加重前來就診,經一系列檢查,在軟腭混合瘤臆斷下,施以手術切除,病理報告為主良性混合瘤。術後傷口癒合良好,門診定期追蹤,至今尚無復發跡象。因本例病灶達5 x 4 x 3 cm,臨床上巨大罕見,故提出報告。


混合瘤 多形性腺瘤 軟腭


The mixed tumor or pleomorphic adenoma is the commonest neoplasm in the intraoral minor salivary gland. Besides thorough physical examination and history taking, the MRI, fine needle aspiration cytology or incisional biopsy are all contributory to the diagnosis establishment. The tumor is rarely allowed to attain a size greater than 1 to 2cm because of dysphagia, dysphonia or denture irritation. We encountered a 66 year-old male with an unusually large pleomorphic adenoma of the soft palate (up to 5 x 4 x 3 cm) in July 1996. The surgical intervention was successfully performed and the wound healed well. There has been no recurrence till now. Because of its tendency to recur and the potential of malignant change, surgical removal with an adequate safety margin and a regular follow-up are necessary.


Mixed tumor pleomorphic adenoma soft palate
