  • 期刊


Crossing the Doorstep of the Chamber - On Liou Yong's (柳永) "No Less Than Tang People's High" in His Ci (詞)


柳永(984?~1053?),字耆卿,福建崇安人。他仕途坎坷,景祐元年(1034)約五十歲才中進士,官至屯田員外郎,世稱柳屯田。 柳永,一位用世志意與音樂才華、浪漫性情充滿了矛盾,生卒都缺乏確切資料佐證的下層文人;一位卑微地生活在當世文人普遍鄙視他「薄於操行」,並皆不滿其詞風的罅隙中的一介寒士;但就在他迴旋往復、音調諧婉的慢詞長調創作中,詞被推向了幾乎成為當時全民運動的熱潮。他富豔地描寫了北宋都市繁榮的面貌、市民生活的旖旎風情;又深情地把身世之感、下層文人的寒士之悲,融化於羈旅行役的無盡奔波中。就在他鋪陳直敘、淺白顯露,又時而景象開闊、境界高遠的創作中,宋詞波瀾壯闊、氣象宏偉的新天地被打開了。本文從後人對柳詞「以俗為美」的評價出發,探討其所以能夠達到「千夫競聲」的成就;並突出他在傳統文人中罕見的雙向愛情意識、對女子個性化的形象描寫,以及他那跨越了閨閣門檻,走向登山臨水,打開詞中視野的離愁抒寫。希望能夠了解在秦樓楚館調笑嬉戲以外的,柳永熱烈率真卻又獨自吞下傷心淚水、整理行囊趕路的失意文人寂寞詞心。


Liou Yong (984?-1053?), man of ambition in contradiction to his musical talents and romantic personality, is of a lower-class origin, a Confucian scholar and poet whose biographic data is so lacking that we cannot even be sure of his birth and death dates. Most of his contemporaries looked down upon his mean origin, his“immoral life,”and the style of his ci (詞). But in the long-winding, emotional, but harmonic creation, he helped the ci become a literary movement of his time. Rich, luxurious, and sensual, his ci describes the Northern Song's prosperous urban life and the citizen's luster. He deeply and emotionally mixed the confusion of his own life with the lower-class poet's tragic pain into his endless lifetime travels. Along his diligent writing career, the incredible magnitude of the ci universe was created. This paper begins with the commentators' evaluation, recognizably“common is beauty,”but calls attention to those characteristics rarely seen in traditional poets, i.e., love shared by both sexes, characterization of individual women's images, and that crossing the doorstep of the chamber into the mountains and the rivers to exhibit a landscape of poetic writings about the sensual pains of leaving and separation. From this we hope to understand what's beyond the courtly dances, songs, laughs and plays that is his straightforward but lonely hearts and the poet who is always ready to pack up and leave.


