  • 期刊


A Record about the Successive Waves That are Increasing in a Cross Century-the Age Marks of "River" and "Sea" Images in the Poems of Wen´ Yi Duo and Guo Mo‵ Ruo‵




五四 聞一多 郭沫若


The modern history of China simulates an evolutional history, which intends to draw the closeness of sea and ocean. The evolutional history of China approaches gradually to the sea also existed in poems. Glancing about the poems of Wen´ Yi Duo and Guo Mo‵ Ruo‵ who were the two most important poets in the ”wuˇ si‵” period, may discover the principle imaging ”river” and ”sea” of poems that countlessly ties the trait of ”wuˇ si‵” age. On the contrary to the ”river” and ”sea” images as addressed in this article, the cross trait between century and ages can be inspected offenly. In brief, the contrary of ”river” and ”sea” images can be expressed in few elemants as below: on the point of ”space”, the ”river” images always refer to China, and ”sea” images to the world. While on the point of ”time”, the ”river” images always reflect the past, and the ”sea” images look after the feature. On the whole, the importance about the ”river” and ”sea” images exist in the poems of Wen´ Yi Duo and Guo‵ Mo‵ Ruo can be said: it is not only the aesthetic character, but the reflex-sound of the age, which behaves as the blood and tears of Chinese history that draw from blockade to open-type. The ”river” and ”sea” images of the ”wuˇ si‵” poems signifying the change of the Chinese image, and the changes of the relationship between the individual and the community.


wuˇsi ` Wen´ Yi Duo Guo Mo‵R‵ river sea


趙家璧主編:《中國新文學大系.詩集(導言)》(上海:良友圖書公司,1935 年 10 月初版)。
