  • 期刊


From Natural Disasters to Refugee Rescue: Bai Juyi's Thoughts of Charity Populace



中唐時期處於李唐以來水、旱災最爲頻繁之時,當時皇帝僅延用過去的救災措施,如「賑恤」、「蠲免」、「賤糶及禁閉糴」;然上述政策早已出現諸多弊端。首先,針對「賑恤」部分,因兩稅法之施行,造成中央、地方間矛盾加劇,使德宗拒派「遣使」前往災區賑恤。其次,官員爲升遷需求,而有「有災不報」之狀況。再則,「蠲免」又因地方財政吃緊,造成皇帝僅願免除少數地區逋欠。最後,是「賤糶及禁閉糴」,如德宗朝藩鎮與中央政權間衝突,遂使運河運輸功能嚴重受損,已無法將救援之物資運到災區,導致災區發生糧食短缺的危機。 白居易掀起文學史上著名「新樂府運動」,但爲何會產生於中唐?學者多從詩人個性、唐代文學風氣來分析,本文欲進一步藉史書記載,將其作品與正史交相參照,研究詩人濟民思想。 詩人目睹中唐國力削弱、財力困窘、中央與地方間矛盾等問題,所造成昔日賑恤制度產生諸多弊端,故強調詩歌「社會功能性」及「爲現實政治服務」作用。同時創作「反應民生」、「勸諫君王」樂府詩,來積極提倡「爲君、爲臣、爲民、爲物、爲事」詩歌理論,目的是將全部希望寄託「帝心惻隱知人弊」,期盼讀者(皇帝、官吏)引以爲戒。 本文分析白居易作品後,歸結其運用以下方式呈現「濟民」思想:其一、憐憫農民之辛勞,進而反省當權者之不勞而獲。其二、擔任杭州地方官吏時,修築地方之水利。其三、藉助祭祀、祈禱,因有鑒於當權者已無法有效處理水、旱災之後賑恤,僅能回歸原始宗教,冀望在鬼神保佑下,百姓能重獲昔日安祥。


Throughout the Chinese history, the Mid-Tang dynasty (AD 762-840) was a remarkable period that floods and droughts frequently appeared. In this period Emperor Dezong (r.780-804) had nothing to do but continuly employed the past policies of disaster reliefs, such as zhenxu 賑恤, juanmian 蠲免, jiantiao 賤糶, and jinbidi 禁閉糴. Therefore, more corrupt practices of the relief policies emerged. Take the first two policies for example. First, the implement of zhenxu caused the increasing contradictions between the government and the regions. Emperor Dezong, therefore, refused to dispatch missionary officials to the disaster regions for catastrophe rescues. The disaster reports or memorials were occasionally kept secret from the emperor because local officer selfishly desired to be promoted. Second, the relief policy of juanmian can not succeed due to the local regions only had limited financial budgets. As a result, the central government was merely willing to exempt the buqian 逋欠from very little regions, and the disaster problems were getting worse. Setting aside the alternative crisis between the natural catastrophes and the governmental malpractices for the historical moment, this article subsequently the focus on the well-known poet, Bai Juyi (772-846), investigating how come the New Collections of Songs and Poems Revolution was formed during this period, and why was it composed by Bai Juyi. After analyzing the works of Bai Juyi, this article pointed out that Bai presented his benevolent thoughts of jimin 濟民by three approaches-composing poems denouncing the government's reap without sowing, reestablishing the water conservations, and praying gods and spirits for the disasters free.


