  • 期刊


A Study of Counseling Therapeutic Factors for Clients in Marital Violence


家庭暴力防治法已於民國87年經立法院三讀通過並經總統公告實施,條文中明白表示「社會福稅機構和工作人員需對被害人提供心理輔導和治療」。此一概念不僅對婚姻暴相關機構的工作內容是一項重要的提示,更提醒了直接服務之工作人員案主可能的需要。本研究的主要目的即在評估受虐婦女心理諮商之成效;了解諮商的需求,並發現促成改變之治療因素。 本研究的八位受訪者,均為婚姻暴力的受虐者,他們在社會工作處遇後皆接受持續的諮商服務,研究者利用質的研究法中的半結構訪談法來收集符合本研究目的之資料。研究發現如下: 一、大多數受訪者均是被動的經由社工員的轉介而進行諮商的,且諮商的次平均為十五次。 二、受訪者在諮商過程中存在的問題、可分為家庭、子女、自我、工作人際和法律等六大類問題,和對自我的期望、對子女的期望、其他期望等三種需求。 三、受訪者的諮商可分為負向效果(四種)和正向效果(九種)兩種。 四、因諮商效果的不同,促成改變的治療因素也隨之不同,經整理發現有十一項促成正向效果的治療因素,也有四項因素是產生負向效果的反治療因素。 五、受訪者認為諮商員對諮商效果的介入因素,可分為諮商員態度和介入策略兩大部份,十五項因素。 六、受訪者認為自己對諮商效果的介入因素可分為態度、經驗和過程中的努力三大部份,十項因素。 最後,根據上述研究發現和結論,據此提出建議,以為婚姻暴力專責機構、婚姻諮商工作者及未來研究之參考。


The purposes of the study is to evaluate the needs of abused women, including their psychological needs for counseling, the effect of counseling, and finding out therapeutic factors that facilitate them to change. Eight abused women by spouse were provided a consecutive counseling after general social work treatment. Researcher employed semi-structured qualitative interview to collect data. The major findings include: 1. Most of interviewee were passively referred by social worker to get counseling services. Each subject has 15 counseling services on average. 2. Along with counseling process subjects had experienced six types of problems (such as family, children, ego, job, human relation and law), and eight psychological needs. 3. Owing to different level of satisfaction with counseling services, subjects experienced four negative effects and nine positive effects. 4. There were eleven therapeutic factors facilitake positive effects on individuals' changes, whereas there were four factors that caused negative effects. 5. The subjects considered two factors that influence counselors with their counseling effects, including counselors' attitude toward toward counseling and intervention strategies. 6. The subjects considered three factors that they themselves bring to and influence the counseling effects, including clients' attitude, experiences and efforts they put into the counseling process. According to the research finding, suggestions have been made for institutes of marital violence and counselors. The future studies are also discussed.


