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The Study of the Relationship among Goal Orientation, Social Comparison, Self-Efficacy and Academic Stress


本研究旨在瞭解國中學生在數學科的目標導向現況,並採取社會比較理論與自我效能理論模式,探討目標導向與課業壓力的關係,以建立不同目標導向所引領的自我調整課業壓力模式。本研究以問卷調查法,使用「學習目標導向量表」、「社會比較問卷」、「數學科自我效能量表」、「學校情境量表」等工作進行資料蒐集,以分層比例班級隨機抽樣方法得到974份有效樣本。針對受試者在量表上的得分,以描述統計、多變項變異數分析、重覆量數單因子變異數分析、積差相關、多元迴歸分析進行資料分析。研究結果發現如下: 一、國中學生在數學科持偏高的趨成精熟目標與避敗精熟目標,及持平的趨成表現目標與避敗表現目標,且所持有的趨成精熟目標、避敗精熟目標與趨成表現目標、避敗表現目標的差異達顯著水準。結果亦顯示國中學生在追求精熟數學課業的同時,存在趨避衝突的心理困境。 二、男女學生的四類目標導向差異達顯著水準,主要差異在於國中女生追求避敗取向的目標導向顯著於國中男生。不同年級學生的四類目標導向差異達顯著水準,主要差異在於一年級學生有較高的趨成精熟、避敗精熟及趨成表現目標。整體而言,男生在數學科持有較高趨成導向的目標,女生敗持有較高避敗導向的目標,而一年級學生有最高的學習企圖心。 三、國中學生在數學科的三種社會比較方向差異達導著水準,其中以平行比較為最高,其次為向上比較,顯示國中學生在學數學科的學習,更想要了解自我的能力如何,其次為改善自我的知識技能。 四、在目標導向與自我效能的關係方面,自我效能與趨成精熟目標、避敗精熟目標及趨成表標的正相關達顯著水準,自我效能與避敗表現目標的負相關達顯著水準,結果亦顯示,趨成取向的目標導向和自我效能有較高的正相關,也就是愈是在課業學習上「追求成功」,愈能增進自我效能感。 五、在目標導向與社會比較的關係方面,趨成精熟目標、避敗精熟目標與向上比較的正相關達顯著水準,趨成表現目標、避敗表現目標與平行比較和向下比較的正相關達顯著水準。整體而言,本研究支持Bulter對目標導向與比較動機的平移關係之看法。 六、在自我效能與社會比較的關係方面,自我效能與向上比較、平行比較的正相關達顯著水準,顯示國中學生透過向上比較與平行比較以維持、增進自我效能。 七、在多元迴歸方面,「趨成精熟目標」、「避敗表現目標」、「向下比較」、「自我效能」等四個預測變項能顯著解釋課業壓力總變異量的20.60%。 本研究針對以上結果加以討論,及根據變項間的相關分析及多元迴歸分析,建立以四個目標導向引領的課業壓力調整模式,並提供建議以做為學校教育、輔導工作及未來研究的參考依據。


The purposes of this study were to understand junior high school students’ goal orientation in mathematics and the relationship between goal orientation and academic stress by joining social comparison theory and self-efficacy theory, and to establish self-regulation models of academic stress guided by four goal orientations. This study was a survey study. 976 subjects were sampled randomly with stratified cluster to complete the questionnaire, which including The Academic Goal Orientation Scale, The Social Comparison Questionnaire, The Math Self-Efficacy Scale and The School Situation Scale. Data obtained in this study was analyzed by applying descriptive statistics, MANOVA, ANOVA with repeated measure, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and multiple regression analyses. The findings of this study were as follows: (1) Junior high school students’ mastery-approach goal and mastery-avoidance goal were both strong, and their performance-approach goal and performance- avoidance goal were both medium. The difference in mastery goal and performance goal was significant. It also indicated junior high school students had approach-avoidance conflict while mastering tasks. (2) Gender differences in goal orientation were found. Girls’ score was higher than boys’ on avoiding-failure beliefs. Different grades on goal orientations had significantly difference. The 1st-grade students’ mastery-approach goal, mastery-avoidance goal and performance-approach goal were the strongest. In whole, boys’ approaching-success beliefs and girls’ avoiding-failure beliefs were strong in mathematics. The 1st-grade students’ learning intention was the strongest. (3) Social comparison processes differences were found. The highest was lateral comparison and the next was upward comparison. It showed students had the highest motivation to self-assess and the next motivation to self-improvement. (4) Self-efficacy was positively associated with three goals: mastery-approach, mastery-avoidance and performance-approach goals, but it was negatively associated with performance-avoidance goal. It also showed the more approaching success beliefs student adopt, the higher self-efficacy they had. (5) Both mastery-approach and mastery-avoidance mastery goals were positively associated with upward comparison, and both performance-approach and performance-avoidance goal were positively associated with both downward comparison and lateral comparison. In whole, it supported Bulter’ views about the parallel between goal orientation and the motivations for social comparison. (6) Self-efficacy was positively associated with both upward and lateral comparison. It indicated students maintain or enhance their self-efficacy by both upward and lateral comparison. (7) Results of multiple regression analyses supported academic stress which could be predicted 22.60% by the factors such as mastery-approach goal, performance- avoidance goal, self-efficacy and downward comparison. Based on the correlations of variables and results of multiple regression analyses, the study established self-regulation models of academic stress guided by four goal orientations. Implications of these results were discussed and suggestions for future research were also given.




黃文莉(2011)。國小學童課後托育需求滿足與學業成就之研究: 以桃園市為例〔碩士論文,元智大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6838/YZU.2011.00182
