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A Study of "a Priori Conditions"、"Oedipus Complex" and "the Care of the Self"-Non-Rational Origin of Ethics and Postmodern Implications of Moral Education


本文所欲探究的焦點是著眼於嘗試面對「全球化/本土化」辯證關係下所逐步開展倫理學議題。思考全球倫理在理論建構上所會遭遇的根本困境,即在於面對現代文明之多元化發展趨勢,如何找出能足以跨越殊異文化隔閡之同質性?並能進而奠定一種合理有效之全球化倫理標準?顯然這個重要使命,至今尚無法真正覓得一完滿的解決之道!故而謀求普遍倫理奠基所須面臨的棘手難題,其困境一方面是來自於文化的「普遍主義」與「相對主義」之爭;另外,則是圍繞於倫理學主張應致力追求的是「普遍理性」、「相對合理性」或者是乾脆「放棄理性論述」等不同立場間的扞格。 後現代道德的基礎是源於絕對的「他律」?或者是源於一種「非理性」?為探究後現代立場對於道德詮釋的論證,本研究即藉由Sigmund Freud及Michel Foucault等人的觀點來指出此一「非理性」的道德源頭,並且進一步論證普世倫理的建構並不應以「先有之絛件」為前提,反倒應以對歧異的包容為前提,在文化交流與對話的過程中,放棄以「理性」做為倫理觀點唯一的奠基,在「非理性或情感性」的動因下期待普遍規範的自然「浮現」(emerge)或「生成創化」(Autopoiesis)。


The main purpose of this article is trying to inquiry the ethical issue that under the dialectical condition of ”globalization/localization”. The theoretical constructions about global ethics(e.g. to constitute the ”sameness” among different cultures and to construct the valid global ethical standards) are still difficult to fulfill. The difficulty can be discussed in two ways: (1) the struggle between ”universalism” and ”relativism”; and (2) the competitions among ”universal rationality”、”relative rationalities ” and ”non-rationalities” . Is the origin of the postmodern ethical foundation, from an absolute heteronomy or from a non-rationality ? This paper analyses Sigmund Freud’s and argues that the construction of universal ethics mustn’t take “a priori conditions” as an antecedent but on the contrary take tolerate differences as an antecedent. During the processes of culture exchanging and dialogues we should give up an absolute rationality, and anticipate the general norms to naturally “emerge” or to “autopoiesis” underthe “non-rational or sentiment “ dynamic causes.
