  • 期刊


The Study on the Evaluation Instruments Development of Basic Teaching Competencies for Junior High School Physics Teachers ---- Classroom Observation Instruments


本研究主要是針對師資培育管道開放後所面臨的教師資格檢定問題,發展了一個國中物理教師教學能力評鑑工具。在嚴謹的工具發展過程後,將此工具進行正式施測,並將施測的結果作詳細的分析,及進一步一問卷了解評鑑者與受評教師在實際參與本研究後的評價與感受。因此本研究的目的為:(一)發展國中物理教師之教室觀察評鑑工具。(二)了解受評教師及評鑑者對於教室觀察評鑑工具的評價及感受。 本研究是以主修物理之理化教師為研究對象,樣本的人數是五位現職國中理化教師。 在工具之發展過程及研究結果方面:研究者首先依據文獻資料擬定評鑑工具初稿,再經研究小組條訂、專家審查及預試演練後,修正至定稿。當評鑑工具定稿及評鑑表格式、評鑑內容說明建立完成後,即進行正式評鑑。評鑑工具定稿及評鑑表格式、評鑑官容說明建立完成後,即進行正式評鑑。評鑑結果經由數據分析,評分者信度介於0.56~0.92之間,評分穩定信度為0.80及0.82。而本工具的特色有:(一)評鑑者採用高推的評論方式。(二)評鑑者必須具資格限制及經過評鑑者訓練的過程。(三)評鑑者在評鑑時須填寫“依據之實例”,以作為評鑑結果的根據。(四)為符合各地區、學校之不同的需求,提供使用本工具檢定合格教師之五種方法。(五)建立完整的工具使用說明書,供未來使用本工具者易於操作。


The main purpose of this research is to develop one kinds of instruments for evaluating the teaching competencies of junior high school physics teacher in the practice teaching period. It is the classroom observation instrument(COI). The subject are junior high school physics/chemistry teachers majoring in physics in their university days, The sample number is 5. In the process of developing COI, the researcher, based upon the related literature, first writers and revises the draft of COI, then nine experts of science education follow to examine and debug the draft, finally the researcher edits it for completion after pilot test. When the format and content of COI are established and explained, the formal evaluation shall begin. The evaluation result of scorer reliability lies between 0.56~0.92, and the stability of rating reliability is 0.80 and 0.82, thus, the consistency and stability within the scorers are acceptable. The COI has the following characteristics: (1) adopting high-inference as an evaluation method. (2) evaluators need to have certain qualification and accept the training of evaluation procedure. (3) evaluators, while evaluating, have to fill in “actual examples as evidence” to be used as the basis for results of evaluation. (4) offering five methods to examine qualified teachers to meet the different needs of area and school. (5) providing complete user’s manual of instrument for future users to operate it easily.


鄭曉蕙(2012)。技職護理院校臨床實習指導教師 教學能力之調查研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.01146
