  • 期刊


A Study on Using STS Teaching to Influence Student Teachers


本研究的目的在探討STS教學對學生教師及個案學生教師在角色扮演前、中、後,對科學的態度及對科學教學的想法方面之影響。 本研究採準實驗研究法及詮釋性研究法,對實驗組及控制組學生教師進行筆試,再對實驗組個案學生教師進行個別晤談,根據收集的資料,前者採變異數、共變數等統計分析,後者採歸納分析。 綜合分析發現,在對科學的態度方面,實驗組學生教師在「對科學課程的喜好」態度成分上,與控制組達顯著差異:而在對科學教學的想法方面,實驗組學生教師以STS教育理念設計教學活動、利用日常生活常見的問題作為引起動機之方法,及認為理想的理化老師應具有教育專業知識的人數,在後測中都明顯增加。 在STS實驗教學中,經由兩次角色扮演對個案之觀察和晤談中發現;小佩在教學活動前的準備,由著重科學概念的灌輸轉而強調科學態度的培養,而在第二次角色扮演中師生互動較前次頻繁,活動後的反省方面,注意力由台下學生的反應轉為自紙肢體語言的表現,而其對科學的態度,整體上有明顯的進步;對小剛而言,教學活動前的準備,由著重課外資料的補充轉而強調基本觀念的闡述,而活動由示範實驗配合發問法轉為由學生自己操作實驗,活動後的反省方面,注意力由自己教學行為的表現及教學內容順序的案排上,轉為師生互動的問題,他對科學的態度則有明顯的退步。


This was a quasi-experimental and qualitative study to investigate the effects of STS teaching on student teachers’ attitudes toward science and their concept of science instruction before, during, and after role-playing. Both the experimental and control groups were given a paper-and-pencil test. Variance and covariance analysis was used to test the differences in means of performance between the two groups. Two student teachers form the experimental group were interviewed. The inductive method was used to analyze the collected data. The result of the analysis showed that: 1. As to attitudes toward science, the experimental group scored significantly higher than the control group on “preference for science courses.” 2. Regarding the concept of science instruction, there was an obviously increasing number of student teachers in the experimental group who followed STS teaching theories to design instructional activities, used daily problems to arouse student motivation to learn, and agreed that an ideal physics professional knowledge. Data collected from twice observing two case student teachers’ role-playing and from interviewing them showed that: 1. Hsiou Pei experienced the following changes: (1) for pre-teaching activities, her emphasis switched from imparting the concept of science to the cultivation of scientific attitudes; (2) there is more interaction between teachers and students during the second role-playing than that during the first ones; (3) reflections on the activities showed that her attention had shifted from the student audience to her own body language performance; (4) in general her attitude toward science has greatly improved 2. Hsiou Kang experienced the following changes: (1) for pre-teaching activities, his emphasis switched from outside material supplements to interpretation of basic concepts; (2) teaching activities have shifted from demonstration of experiment and question-and-answer techniques to asking students to manipulate the experiment themselves;


