  • 期刊


A Research of Teacher Professional Practical Model on a Combination of History of Science with Science Teaching


本研究主要先從科學史哲、個案方法及師資培育相關文獻的理論分析當中,建構一個科學史融入教學的教師專業成長模式雛型,並透過合作行動研究的方法,探討進修學員在本模式實際運作的過程中,如何認識及實踐科學史融入教學;再者藉由授課教授的實際教學,探討進修學員在本模式實際運作的過程中,如何從教學故事的情境認識批判思考與反省思考;最後透過研究者、授課教授和研究對象之間的互動與反省,探討如何重建本研究的教師專業成長模式。 本研究的結果如下: 一、進修學員在本次研究中,透過先前的科學史教學故事的寫作與演示、範例教師的科學史融入教學的示範、以及期末進修學員科學史融入教學的設計中,確能認識及實踐科學史融入教學。 二、進修學員在本次研究中,透過對教學故事的評論,以及授課教授為解決修學員與教學環境及範例教師的衝突所安排的對話與辯證的情境,確能認識與實踐批判思考與反省思考。 三、在本次研究的進行當中,藉由研究者、授課教授和研究對象的互動與反省,使本研究由理論建構的一個抽象的教師專業成長模式與實際教學的實踐情境結合後,重建成為一個具體可行的教師專業成長模式。


科學史 科學教學 師資培育


The thesis initiated a preliminary teacher professional practical model involved in the history of science by a theoretical analysis of such associated literature as the history and philosophy of science, the case study, and the teacher’s education. The researcher also explored by the co-operative action inquiry how the members in an institution for further studies, who were invited to participate in the model work, recognized the way the history could be integrated into instruction and how they afterwards put it into practice. Besides, the researcher was to find out how the members realized the critical and reflective thinking in the context of story-teaching as well. As a result, the research aimed to reconstruct a formal teacher education model through the interaction and the developed reflection among the researcher, the teaching professor, and he subjects. The thesis concludes as follows: 1. The members in this study do understand the involvement of the history of science in instruction and then carry it out through prior writing and performance of story-teaching about the history of science and the example teacher’s demonstration of how to integrate the history of science into instruction as well as the members’ presentation at the end of semester. 2. The members do know and enable themselves to put the critical and reflective thinking into practice through the commentaries on story-teaching, the dialogue and the dialectical contexts arranged by the teaching professor for working out the disagreements among the members, the example teacher and the instructional environment. 3. A preliminary abstract theory-constructed teacher professional practical model in this research comes to be transformed into a concrete and practicable reconstructed teacher profession practical model through the exploration and the examination of the interaction and the reflection emerging among the researcher, the teaching professor, and the subjects.


