  • 期刊


The Effects of Reciprocal Teaching on Reading Comprehension of Junior High School Students with Learning Disabilities



本研究旨在探討交互教學法對國中學習障礙學生閱讀理解能力的促進效果,比較學生在說明文與敘事文閱讀理解表現上的差異,並分析教學初期與後期學生閱讀理解策略運用的變化情形。 本研究採用交互教學中的ET-RT模式(explicit teaching before reciprocal teaching),在師生對話開始前,先進行策略的直接教學。研究方法採用單一受試實驗設計模式中的跨個人多基線設計,針對三名國中一年級學習障礙學生進行三個時期五個階段的實驗教學與評量。所得的資料分為兩部份,一是以目視分析與 C統計法探討受試在研究者自編之閱讀理解測驗的表現;二是對教學過程中受試閱讀理解策略運用的次數與方式進行分析。本研究結果綜合如下: 一、學習障礙學生接受交互教學法後,其閱讀理解測驗的整體得分,及說明文與敘事文閱讀理解測驗的得分有顯著增加的趨向,撒除教學兩週後,教學處理的效果未能持續保留。 二、學習障礙學生接受交互教學法前、中、後,在說明文與敘事文兩種類型閱讀理解測驗的表現,無明顯差異。 三、學習障礙學生接受交互教學法後期,閱讀理解策略使用的次數比初期減少。 四、學習障礙學生接受交互教學法初期,運用策略時,最常使用重述的方式;學習障礙學生接受交互教學法後期,運用策略時,最常使用文章組織的方式,教學後期策略使用方式的種類較教學初期多元,策略錯誤使用的次數較教學初期減少。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of reciprocal teaching on reading comprehension of junior high school students with learning disabilities. The student reading comprehension performance with expository and narrative texts was compared. The strategies used by the students at the beginning and end of the intervention were analyzed. The researcher utilized “ET-RT model” (explicit teaching before reciprocal teaching). The students were introduced to the four strategies before the dialogues began. A multiple-baseline across subjects design was used, which included baseline, treatment, and maintenance phases. The subjects were three first-grade students with learning disabilities. The researcher developed a series of reading comprehension tests. Each test consisted of two types of texts (i.e., expository and narrative texts). All tests were scored to evaluate student performance in reading comprehension. The data-processing procedures adopted visual analysis and the simplified time-series analysis methods. The researcher explored the way each strategy was used by the students at the beginning and end of the intervention. The results of this study were summarized as follows: 1. Reciprocal Teaching had a significantly immediate effect on improving the student test scores (expository, and narrative comprehension tests), but the results were not main-tained at the 2-week follow-up. 2. There was no significant difference between the expository and narrative text scores before, during and after the intervention. 3. The observed strategies were used more frequently by the subjects at the beginning than at the end of the intervention. 4. At the beginning of the intervention, the subjects performed rereading more frequently while using strategies. At the end of the intervention, the subjects performed text-organizing more frequently while using the strategies. The strategy category used at the end of the intervention was greater than at the beginning of the intervention. There were fewer strategy errors at the end of the intervention than at the beginning of the intervention.


