  • 期刊


A Study on the Characteristics of WISC-V for Students with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders & Specific Learning Disabilities/ADHD




The purpose of this study was to comprehend difference of representation of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fifth Edition (WISC-V) between 60 students with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) and others. This study analyzed representation of WISC-V from 30 students at lower grades (1-3 grades) and 30 students at higher grades (4-6 grades). as well as 15 students with SLD and ADHD. The results were concluded as follows: Performance of WISC-V for students with ADHD was significantly lower than average at subtests scores/Full-Scale Intelligence Quotient and Primary Index Scores/Ancillary Index Scores representation except for "Block Design". Students with ADHD have best performance in "Block Design" while worst performance in "Picture Span" in subtests scores; best performance in "Visual Spatial Index" while worst performance in "Working Memory Index" in Primary Index Scores; best performance in "General Ability Index" while worst performance in "Cognitive Proficiency Index" in Ancillary Index Scores. There is no significant difference at subtests scores/Full -Scale Intelligence Quotient and Primary Index Scores/Ancillary Index Scores representation between elementary school grades for Students with ADHD. Students with SLD/ADHD had best performance in "Block Design" while worst performance in "Arithmetic" in subtests scores, best performance in "Visual Spatial Index" while worst performance in "Fluid Reasoning Index" in Primary Index Scores; best performance in "General Ability Index" while worst performance in "Quantitative Reasoning Index" in Ancillary Index Scores in WISC-V. Among of them, best performance in subtests scores, primary Index Scores and Ancillary Index Scores were in consistency, while weakest scores were inconsistent.


ADHD SLD WISC-V Intelligence Assessment


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