  • 期刊


Uncertain Policy Increment Announcement and Dynamic Adjustment of Stock Price-The Study of Flexible Price and Fixed Output Case


本文我們以Blanchard(1981)封閉經濟體系下物價浮動與固定產出之宣示效果模型為基礎,沿襲Laban and Larrain(1994)、Obstfeld(1994)、廖培賢(2008)(2010)等股票與債券呈現不完全替代的設定,來討論貨幣政策宣告面臨政策劑量不確定的情況下對股價動態調整型態的影響。研究結果顯示:當經濟體系面臨貨幣當局貨幣供給劑量不確定的政策跨時搭配時,「籌碼效果與紅利效果兩者之和」及「流動性效果」的相對大小、「財政政策宣示效果與貨幣政策宣示效果」的相對大小、「財政政策劑量效果與貨幣政策劑量效果」的相對大小這三項因素是決定股價會呈現調整不及(undershooting)、過度調整(overshooting)抑或錯向調整(misadjustment)的關鍵因素。


This paper presents a macroeconomic uncertainty policy increment announcement model of flexible price and fixed output in a closed economy based on the framework developed by Blanchard (1981), Laban and Larrain (1994), Obstfeld (1994), and Liaw (2008)(2010) etc. We use the announcement effect approach of rational expectation to discover the influence of stock price dynamic adjustment pattern under the increment uncertainty of intertemporal policy mix? The major findings are (1) the relative magnitude of ”the liquidity effect” and the sum of ”the chip effect” and ”the dividend effect”, (2) the relative magnitude of the ”the policy increment effect between fiscal and monetary policy”, (3) the relative magnitude of the ”the policy announcement effect between fiscal and monetary policy” are the key determinants to decide the stock price dynamic adjustment pattern.


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