  • 期刊


The Study of Brand Loyalty for 3C Chain Stores on Consumer Views


本研究主要探討影響台灣消費者對於3C連鎖賣場品牌忠誠度之因素,根據國內外影響品牌忠誠度相關文獻再加上觀察台灣地區消費者對於電子產品的消費習慣,提出6個關鍵因素來做為結構方程模型(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)研究之準則,希望藉由結構方程模型的研究方法來探討這些因素對於3C連鎖賣場品牌忠誠度相互影響關係以及程度差異,找出可以給未來3C產品販售或是行銷人員一個有價值的參考依據。本次研究實證結果發現,資訊揭露、轉換成本、顧客滿意度及顧客信任對品牌忠誠度有直接正向影響;服務品質則透過顧客滿意度中介變數對品牌忠誠度產生間接正向影響,而資訊揭露也會透過顧客信任中介變數對品牌忠誠度產生間接正向影響。此外根據實證結果得知,資訊揭露是對品牌忠誠度影響最大的一個變數,所以得到證明資訊揭露對於品牌忠誠度有著極大的影響。因此,本研究對3C連鎖賣場提出建議:各3C連鎖賣場應該找出消費者真正需要的資訊,並且合理安排資訊的表達方式讓消費者可以快速且無負擔的瞭解,這是讓3C連鎖賣場擁有較高品牌忠誠度的一個重要發展方向。


This study investigates factors how the Taiwan consumers brand loyalty affects 3C chain stores. Based from literature reviews and Taiwan consumers of electronic products there are 6 key factors listed to be use as guidelines for the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in order to make a reference for any future 3C products selling or marketing program. The empirical results supported that the information disclosure, switching cost, consumer satisfaction and consumer trust has a direct positive impact on brand loyalty. Furthermore, the service quality through customer satisfaction and the information disclosure through consumer trust as a mediator posts indirect has positive effect on brand loyalty. Therefore, information disclosure is one of the most influential variable for brand loyalty. This study implies that in order to build brand loyalty, each 3C chain stores should identify customer needs and wants to convince them that they need their products and services. Also, they must provide reasonable arrangements and/or assistance that may be necessary when they are dealing with a variable consumer


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