  • 期刊


The Party Doctrine Replacing the Three-Virtues: the Women's Association and the Gender Politics during the Early Stages of Political Tutelage




北伐 婦女運動 黨務整理 訓政


When the Guomindang convened the Fourth Central Committee on February 2 1928, they decided on their plan to set party affairs in order. After thoroughly identifying and eliminating any remaining Communist influences, making the party units in every locality return afresh to the initial goal of the National Revolution; The Three People's Principles. The main objective of this move was to rebalance the relationship between the party members and the populace. The specific roles of members of the populace, which in the past were defined as peasants, workers, businessmen, women or youths, were to be dissolved and homogenized under the Central Populace Disciplinary Committee, established on 5th May 1928. The Central Populace Disciplinary Committee submitted two proposals: The Populace Disciplinary Plan Outline and the All Rank Populace Group Rectification Committee Regulation, resulting in the people's focus shifting from mobilizing forces for the Northern Expedition to disciplinary work. As such, women's roles were effectively dissolved, but the revolutionary women of rank still maintained The Women's Association as before. This article explores how, amongst the reorganization of party affairs, the Women's Association modulated its function and organization and how, in the turmoil of the beginning of political tutelage, the Chinese Feminist movement separated itself from political affairs to move forward anew.


〈1926年至5月中央婦女部婦女運動概要〉(1926年6月),中國國民黨文化傳播委員會黨史館藏,《五部檔》,檔號10611。“1926 nian zhi 5 yue zhong yang fu nu bu fu nu yun dong gai yao,” (1926.06), Zhong guo guo min dang wen hua chuan bo wei yuan hui dang shi guan cang, Wu bu dang, dang hao 10611.
〈上海特別市委員會函中央執行委員會訓練部〉(1931年1月19日),南京第二歷史檔案館藏,檔號722.1873。“Shanghai te bie shi wei yuan hui han zhong yang zhi xing wei yuan hui xun lian bu,” (1931.01.19), Nanjing di er li shi dang an guan cang, dang hao 722.1873.
〈中山分會受土劣紳的壓迫〉(1926年9月),中國國民黨文化傳播委員會黨史館藏,《五部檔》,檔號10029。“Zhong shan fen hui shou tu lie shen de ya po,” (1926.09), Zhong guo guo min dang wen hua chuan bo wei yuan hui dang shi guan cang, Wu bu dang, dang hao 10029.
〈中央民訓會報告中央常會第一號〉(1928年6月),中國國民黨文化傳播委員會黨史館藏,《五部檔》,檔號10834。“Zhong yang min xun hui bao gao zhong yang chang hui di yi hao,” (1928.06), Zhong guo guo min dang wen hua chuan bo wei yuan hui dang shi guan cang, Wu bu dang, dang hao 10834.
〈中央婦女部婦女運動報告〉(1926年5月15日至1927年3月10日),中國國民黨文化傳播委員會黨史館藏,《漢口檔》,檔號12763。“Zhong yang fu nu bu fu nu yun dong bao gao,” (1926.05.15-1927.03.10), Zhong guo guo min dang wen hua chuan bo wei yuan hui dang shi guan cang, Hankou dang, dang hao 12763.


