  • 期刊


Drug Recidivism Rates and Protective Factors: Using Keelung as an Example




The main aims of this research were to estimate rates of recidivism and to determine protective factors in relation to drug recidivism during a period of 2 years and 8 months in Keelung utilizing the retrospective data of the Ministry of Justice. This study randomly sampled 382 drug offenders from 1, 662 persons who committed drug crimes and released from the Keelung Rehabilitation Center before Jan 1, 2003. After removing persons who were deceased and incarcerated because of criminal activities other than illicit drug use, the final study participants were 353 male drug offenders. Of 353 drug offenders, the drug recidivism were 12.5% (44)、33.24% (117)、46.02% (162) and 65.7% (232) within 6 months, 12 months, 24 months and 32 months, respectively. Results from logistic regression analysis on drug recidivism found that family visiting during incarceration, employment status, and sources of illicit drugs were significant predictors. Namely, family members visited drug offenders during his prison time can protect him from drug re-offence later. Comparatively, unemployment and buying drugs on his own were risk factors associated with drug recidivism. Results from survival analysis found that drug recidivism rate increases sharply at ten-months after release and family visiting was significantly associated with longer duration of re-committing drug offences. Based on the study results, designing a family support brochure by the Ministry of Justice should be helpful in drug relapse prevention. The content of this family brochure should include information about strategies and skills regarding emotional, tangible, and social support for drug offenders.


