  • 會議論文


The Analysis and Experimental Verification on Vibration Isolation by Employing Non-linear Elements


被動式隔振目前廣泛應用於工業界,然而被動式隔振卻有頻寬固定的缺點,為了改善此一缺點,過去之研究曾以參考現有的漸弱性非線性元件加以改良測試,結果發現效果相當好,不過,所謂的漸弱性非線性元件都不易有效的掌握。有鑑於此,本研究有系統地以CAD/CAE工具,分析歸納出漸弱性非線性元件組,並之後將此一元件實現於隔振器中,透過預壓非線性元件即可調整隔振器之自然頻率,在振動環境不變的情況下,提高隔振效果。由實驗結果可知,隨著預壓量的增加,隔振效果可逐漸提高,而預壓量10 mm所得到的隔振效果為沒預壓時的4倍以上,驗證了漸弱性非線性元件可將系統的自然頻率往低頻方向調整,提高隔振器的隔振效果。


The passive vibration isolator is an effective vibration isolation technique but inflexibility to the environments or occasions. In order to improve the deficiency, this study employed non-linear elements in the self-design vibration isolator. First all, confirming the elements had the non-linear property by FEM. The analysis result showed that it can be used to tune the natural frequency by pre-loads. After the practical experiments, all the results showed that the vibration isolation capability can advance with pre-loaded. Furthermore, the isolation capability with 10 mm pre-loaded degrees has four times better than without pre-loaded. The remarkable vibration reduction in some frequency bands has been observed.
