  • 會議論文


Relationship between damper length, damping level and ride comfort in bicycles


本研究旨在找出提升高中生騎乘者舒適度的腳踏車避震器設定。吾人找出現有文獻中,關於舒適度的定義及傳遞率的理論。參考自行車架的自然頻率計算方法後,吾人先在壓克力製腳踏車架進行測試,以sine波和pulse波激振車架,量測不同避震器長度對震動量的影響。最後以實車進行騎乘測試及問卷調查。吾人發現,避震器的阻尼,會隨避震器伸長而提升。可是,問卷調查的結果,反映受測者偏好避震器縮短。除了取樣誤差外,最有可能是避震器長短,影響座椅加速度頻譜。吾人的結論是,鐵路工業用的Sperling's Ride Index可以定性歸納腳踏車騎乘舒適度。


舒適度 減震器 腳踏車


The shock absorber length corresponding to the most comfortable ride in bicycles is sought, with high school students being the target group. Based on existing travel comfort indices in railway travel, transmissibility, and natural frequency analysis in two degree-of-freedom systems, we carried out experiments on a scaled model of a bicycle frame. The frame model is excited using sine and pulse waves to quantify the effect of shock absorber length on level of vibration. At last, data acquisition and questionnaire study were carried out with an actual bicycle. It is found that the damping coefficient increases with a longer shock absorber, but the questionnaire results indicate that the respondents favour the bicycle with a shorter absorber. Besides sampling error, it is believed that the shock absorber length changes the spectrum of vibration at the seat. We believe that the Sperling's Ride Index used in the rail industry can describe cycling comfort qualitatively.


Comfort index shock absorber bicycles
