  • 會議論文


Discussions on Violin Playing Sound Characteristics for Pull Bow Playing and Picking




小提琴 時間域圖 頻譜圖 時頻圖


Violin is one of string musical instruments and the most important one in modern orchestra strings. Violin has the rich and wide musicality by different playing skills to produce different sound characteristics. This work measures the violin playing sound and analyzes its sound characteristics. First, with the use of FFT analyzer and sound measurement software to do practical measurement, we can get the time response of sound and its sound spectrum as well as spectrograms for pulling bow playing and picking to compare the sound response. The playing sounds from bow playing and picking have almost the same peak frequencies but different peak amplitudes. The continuity of playing is characterized by the decay rate of sound. The picking sound decays rapidly similar to percussion instruments, while the bow playing sound can control the playing length of sound and reveal higher amplitudes of sound at higher harmonic frequencies. For different strings, the thinner strings reveal higher resonance frequencies than the thicker ones, and the thicker strings reveal the larger decay rates. This work performs practical sound measurement of different playing by bow playing and picking the violin strings. The measurement and analysis approaches can be adopted for other strings instruments as well.


violin time response spectrum spectrograms
