  • 期刊


A Study on Home Economics Education at Secondary Level in Singapore


本研究旨在瞭解新加坡家政教育實施現況與其家政教育課程的架構與内涵,以供我國家政教育改革之參考。本研究採用文獻分析法、實地訪問考察與專家座談法,以深入瞭解新加坡的家政教育。 新加坡位於東西文化的交叉路口,多元文化的社會影響年輕人對個人、家庭與社會的價值觀甚巨。由於婦女就業的增加,家庭內的兩性關係應朝向「家庭合夥人」的關係發展。為使男女學生準備好其未來的雙重角色與成人生活,新加坡教育部於1991年將家政課程修訂為男女生都必修的核心課程,並陸續實施,至1997年,所有中學一、二年級的男女生都必須修習家政課。 中學家政課程由教育部統籌設計,其主要綱目分五大類:「家人營養」、「食物管理」、「織物創作」、「消費者教育」、「兒童遊戲」。家政課本雖都涵蓋五大綱目,但在不同的中學班級則有難易不同的版本,以配合學生程度。另外還有多樣的教材提供家政教師教學時運用。 新加坡的新家政教育政策與新課程不僅讓家政與日常生活更為連結,且將會改變「家政為女子學科」的觀念,並在下一世紀來臨前,給予男女學生具備管理現代化家庭的能力。


新加坡 家政教育 中學


The purpose of this study is to investigate the current status of home economics education, the construction and contents of the subject of Home Economics in Singapore. The research methods used in this study were document analysis, field study, discussion with panel experts and interviews with educational administrators in Singapore. Singapore is at the crossroads of both Eastern and Western cultures, the multicultural society has an profoundly influences on young people's personal, family and societal values. Because an increase in population of worlking women, the relationship between man and women in the family develops toward a pattern of partnership in the home. In order to let girls and boys prepare for their future dualrole and adult-life, in 1991 the subject of Home Economics is revised by the Ministry of Education for the Education System where both girls and boys should study Home Economics as a core subject. Since 1997, for all the pupil at the lower secondary level--Special, Express and Normal (Academic/Technical) Courses, Home Economics has become a compulsary subject. The Home Economics Education curriculum is planed and developed by the Ministry of Educaiton. This Subject comprises five main topics: Nutrition for the Family, Food Management, Creative Textiles, Consumer Education and Children at Play. Home Economics Textbooks comprise all the five topics, but there are different editions ranging from easy content to difficult one for the different Courses. There is also a variety of materials for Home Economics teachers to apply in the classes. The new Home Economics Education policy and new curriculum not only enhance connection of Home Economis and daily life, but also will change the concept that Home Economics is a subject for only girls. In short, the new Home Economics curriculum will promote both boys and girls with capabilities to manage modern family before the arrival of next century.


