  • 期刊

Cluster Analysis of Svib Profile Patterns of Adult Women and College Men



近數十年來美國各學校機關心理學家、教育家及各專業輔導工作人員從事昇學就業輔導所最通用的測驗工具莫過SVIB(Strong Vocational Interest Blank),SVIB的編制人史氏(Edwand Strong)分別制訂男女職業與趣測驗及其常模,並申言男女兩性由於生活經驗及社會期望的不同,昇學就業的志向和可能性亦殊異,必須分別測量診斷,結果才能正確可靠。 然而近年來心理學各方面研究似已證明兩性間的差異,遠不如個別差異大,而許多所謂「男性的」或「女性的」的職業與趣也因爲社會的制度,生活的方式、工作的性質與種類的改變而更趨近似。 本研究的對象系230名參加洛杉磯加州大學昇學就業輔導班的成年男女,平均年齡四十歲,平均教育程度大專二年級和249名大學本部及研究院的男學生,平均年齡26歲。男女都填答爲男性所編訂的SVIB-M測驗卷。 統計分析結果,發現中年女人和青年男學生在某些職業與趣上雖有強弱大小的差異,但是他們卻不因性別、年齡、及生活經驗的不同和距離而有顯然不同的職業與趣輪廓型。測驗資料過集業分析後,所得結果兩組又極相似。由此可見,受過中等以上教育者職業與趣的性別差異似不足道。 SVIB-M職業與趣測驗可以男女共用,而從事昇學就業輔導者,更應著重個人的志趣,不必過份拘泥、保守,對男女學生的事業輔導採取不同的原則與標准。




In 1943, Strong argued for separate blanks for men and women in that too many women enter an occupation as a stop-gap until marriage, would not be there if they had a choice, are rather a heterogeneous group and, thus, would not be an adequate criterion group used to develop differential occupational scales. (Strong, 1943) A quarter of a century has passed but similar position towards using separate blanks for men and women remains largely unchanged, though with some modification. However, in view of the increasingly merging and overlapping activities of men and women, in education, in vocation and in all walks of life, the continuing separat assessment of men’s and women’s success and satisfaction in a shared world is questionable. Furtuermore, it has already been found that the interests of men and women are quite similar (correlating about .69) ; that •authors, artists, and music teachers among men score the same on the MF scale as physicians and dentists among women; and that some men have the capacity to score almost as the most feminine of women. (Strong, 1955) Unfortunately, the SVIB Male form is widely used for women as well as for men. Counselors have also often used the SVIB Male form for women, because it contains more keys. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that the application of SVIB-M to adult women does yield meaningful and comparable data, in the similarities and differences of the occupational scale scores, in the profile patterns, and in the occupational groupings obtained by cluster analysis.


