  • 期刊

Treatment of Orofacial Venous Malformations with Sodium Tetradecyl Sulfate

利用Sodium Tetradecy1 Sulfate 治療口腔及颜面静脈畸形


以Sodium Tetraecyl Sulfate (Sotradecol)直接注入靜脈畸形,可産生纖維組識封閉血管腔,破壞靜脈畸形,導致其消褪變平,是一種強效而且理想的硬化劑。我們以Sotradecol局部注射治療32例口腔及顏面靜脈畸型病人,男性病人9例,女性病人23例,女性人數約男性的2.6倍,年齡最小5個月,最大49歲,平均年齡16.2歲,注射次數有謹1次即達到完全療效,少數病人最高次數達13次,平均次數爲3.4次,大部份患部位在唇部(11例)和嘴角(7例),佔56%,其他位在下頦(4例),眼瞼(4例),腮腺部(2例),臉頰(1例),眼眥部(1例),鼻樑(1例),雙頰內粘膜(3例),舌部(3例),口底部(1例),扁桃腺部(l例),咽部(1例)。追蹤治療由四個月到三年。所有病人經治療後,在外觀及機能上達到中等程度乃至驚人的改善,而且很少併發症,即使有,也很輕易解決或自行痊癒。使用Sotradecol治療口腔及顏面靜脈畸形,既簡單易行,而且便宜,安全,對於某些特定部位,不易進行切除及重建手術的靜脈畸形患者,的確是一種值得推薦的好方法。




Thirty-two patients with orofacial venous malformations treated with intralesional injections of Sotradecol (STS) are discussed. Sotradecol, which is a sclerosing agent, causes fibrous tissue which obliterates the vascular channel, resulting in a decrease of the size of venous malformations. Affected females outnumber males by 2.6:1. The age range was from 5 months to 49 years and the average is 16.2 years. The number of injections ranged from one to thirteen with an average of 3.4. Most venous malformations represented are located on the lip (11 cases) and mouth angle (7 cases), occupying 56% of all patients. The follow-up period varied from 4 months to 3 years. All patients showed modest (44%) to striking (56%) improvement in appearance and function with minimal complications, which were easily controlled or subsided spontaneously or no complications. The intralesional injection of STS may be a good choice for certain cases of orofacial venous malformations.
