





An extended distally based second dorsal metacarpal flap is designed. The pedicle of this flap includes the recurrent cutaneous branch from the second dorsal metacarpal artery (SDMA), the SDMA, the partial carpal arterial arch of the dorsal hand, and the dorsal carpal branch of the radial artery. There are four axes of rotation of this flap, the first at the entry of the recurrent cutaneous branch of the SDMA into the skin flap, the second at the SDMA arising from the carpal arterial arch, the third at the origin of the dorsal carpal arch of the radial artery, and the last at the entry of the dorsal carpal branch of the radial artery into the first dorsal interosseous muscle. The length of the pedicle can increase as much as possible via this design. Therefore, the flap can cover a small defect over the palm, dorsum of the hand, all web-spaces and most parts of the fingers. The donor site can be closed primarily if the flap is less than 3.5 cm in width. The flap was used in three consecutive cases with no necrosis of the flap. The donor site was closed directly in two cases and skin grafted in one, with satisfactory results. The anatomy of the flap, operative techniques and three consecutive cases are herein described.
