  • 期刊


A Study of the Regulative Mind in Qigong


本文主要是探討氣功三要素-「身、心、息」中的「調心」問題。就調心的意義、重要性、原理、方法、作用等,依據文獻分析研究法和研究者個人多年來對於氣功修習的體驗心得,做詳細的探討。 「心體」是空無的,其作用即是在於「念頭意識」。氣功練習時的念頭調整,約可分成意念集中型和靜定型的模式,其對氣功的修習有不同卻很決定性的作用,因為「以意領氣」、「意到氣到」的緣故,念頭隨時誘發著人體內氣的運行方向。因此氣功的調心對醫治疾病、強身健體、開發潛能等功能都發揮著極大的作用力。 研究結果顯示:一就調心的階段性來說,可以先以「意守」之法體會身心的變化,但應以虛無清靜法為究竟。二、除了練功當下的調心功夫之外,尚須於日常生活中隨時調心與注意心念。三、入靜養神是氣功調心之本,意守是調心之用,比較有針對性,尤其對生理疾病的治療而言。四、氣功調心與人體自療、精神療法相關密切,是很簡便的運動保健方法,值得大力推廣。


氣功 練功三要素 調心 意守


The purpose of this study is to discuss ”mind regulating” aspect in the three important elements of Qigong (the skill of attracting vital energy), which are ”Body, Mind, and Breath.” According to analysis of literature review and the author's experiences in practicing Qigong, the study explores the meaning, importance, methods and functions of mind regulating in detail. The ”Mind” should be empty, which is to exert influence on thoughts and consciousness. Mind regulation can be divided into concentrative and meditative modes. These two modes produce different, yet significant effects toward the practice of Qigong. Due to the fact that ”mind leads qi” and ”qi follows where the mind reaches,” thoughts can determine the direction of qi flowing in human bodies anytime. Therefore, mind regulation in Qigong is effective for medical healing, keeping fit, and exploiting one's potential. The study results are explained as follows: 1) when regulating the mind, use ”mind concentration” to experience the changes in mind and body, and consequently achieve nothingness and peace. 2) In addition to mind regulating when practicing Qigong, practitioners should also regulate their mind and pay attention to their thoughts in daily life. 3) Meditation and repose are the basis of mind regulation, and mind concentration is a way to achieve an outcome, such as healing illness. 4) Mind regulation in Qigong has a close connection to self-healing and psychotherapy. It is an easy activity for people to do in order to keep healthy, and deserves more promotion.


