  • 期刊


Single Versus Double Contrast Barium Enema in the Detection of the Polypoid Lesions of Colon


During the 8-year period from May 1967 through April 1985, a total of 454 cases studied from 438 patients were pathologically proved as polyps (235 cases) or malignant tumors (219 cases) of the large bowel in Mackey Memorial Hospital. Each included patient was examined with single or double contrast colon series, and then referred for endoscopic biopsy or surgical operation. Retrospective comparison of the single and double contrast examination was done in the study, the sensitivity rate was 81.7% for the single contrast enema and 92.7% for the double contrast series (P>0.05). For the detection of colonic polyps, we found the sensitivity was 35.7% for the single contrast enema and 68.8% for the double contrast study (P>0.01). Therefore, double contrast was superior to single contrast examination for the detection of colonic polyps and cancer in our study.


During the 8-year period from May 1967 through April 1985, a total of 454 cases studied from 438 patients were pathologically proved as polyps (235 cases) or malignant tumors (219 cases) of the large bowel in Mackey Memorial Hospital. Each included patient was examined with single or double contrast colon series, and then referred for endoscopic biopsy or surgical operation. Retrospective comparison of the single and double contrast examination was done in the study, the sensitivity rate was 81.7% for the single contrast enema and 92.7% for the double contrast series (P>0.05). For the detection of colonic polyps, we found the sensitivity was 35.7% for the single contrast enema and 68.8% for the double contrast study (P>0.01). Therefore, double contrast was superior to single contrast examination for the detection of colonic polyps and cancer in our study.


colon polypoid lesion banium enema
