  • 期刊


Uitrasonographic Features of Hepatic Schistosomiasis: 3 Cases Report




血吸蟲病 超音波術


Schistosoma Japonicum infestation is confined to areas in the Far East. In Taiwan there is no evidence of locally acquired human infection and most reported cases came from Mainland China. Ultrasonographic features of periportal fibrosis induced by S. Japonicum had not been reported in the past. We present sonograms of 3 cases of periportal fibrosis induced by S. Japonicum in this report. The first case was a 57 years old male who suffered from urinary bladder stones with frequent hematuria for 4 years. A retroperitoneal hematoma containing ova of S. Japonicum with involvement of the sigmoid mesocolon was found during operation for cystolitholapaxy. Abdominal sonograms showed diffuse fine net-like linear shadows over the whole liver. Needle biopsy of the liver proved it to be schistosomal periportal fibrosis. The second case was a 51 years old male who complained of RUQ pain and body weight loss. Abdominal sonograms showed multiple gallstones and some high density linear echoes in the liver parenchyma with an ill-defined nodule within it. These features persisted for 7 months without changes. Wedge resection of the suspected nodule under echo-guidance was performed and pathologically it revealed to be hepatic schistosomiasis. The third case was a 59 years old male who complained of RUQ pain and poor appetite. Abdominal sonograms showed gallstones and also had some high density linear shadows in the liver with an ill-defined nodule. Operative wedge biopsy of the liver during cholecystectomy showed a feature of hepatic schistosomiasis.
