

1989年12月至1990年11月,37例無吸煙病史的肝硬化病患,及對照組20例無心肺疾病之健康體檢者,接受肺功能檢查。收集其資料數據,利用Student's t test比較分析。結果發現肝硬化組之肺總容量及肺活量明顯下降。另外,用力呼氣一秒量(FEVI),25-75%用力呼氣流量(FEFZ25-75%)及FEV1/FVC比率亦下降。表示有呼吸道阻塞之情況。在肝硬化時,Child's A之病例其肺功能正常。Child's B病例之肺功能稍差,但Child's C病例之肺功能明顯轉惡。表示呼吸道阻塞主要出現在肝硬化末期。亦即肝硬化愈嚴重,肺功能愈差。


Pulmonary function tests were performed in 37 cirrhotic patients from Dec. 1989 to Nov. 1990, and 20 healthy nonsmokers with no history of cardiopulmonary disease were used as controls. The collected data were then assessed using student's t test. Results showed that total lung capacity and vital capacity in the cirrhotic group were significantly decreased. FEV1, FEF (subscript 25%-75%) and FEV1/FVC were also decreased. All these data pointed to the presence of obstructive and restrictive pulmonary disorders in advanced cirrhosis. This study also showed that pulmonary function test in Child's A was almost normal while it was slightly decreased in Child's B. On the other hand, Child's C had significantly lower values. These indicated the presence of airway obstruction in end stage liver cirrhosis. In conclusion, the more severe the cirrhosis, the poorer would be the pulmonary function.
